Enter the information which you want to appear in this edition of your online blog. Everything you enter on this page will appear in the final online blog (with a few automatic formatting adjustments).
It is best to only use the standard alpha-numeric characters (A-Z, a-z, and 0-9) and simple punctuation marks (.,!) since other characters may have special meaning to the automated scripts which will process your entry before posting it online. Enter a double line feed (press your return key twice while entering your comments) to create a new paragraph - this will be automatically translated into the proper formatting code for a new paragraph.
A time stamp date and the Sign Off name and will automatically be added to the top and bottom of the blog entry.
Because of special CSS format coding automatically applied to your entry and the tight space allowance for the blog when it appears in the right side bar, it is better not to try to include HTML coding in your entry - but you will always have the option to try and then check how it looks in the Preview ... and go back and change it if what you did doesn't look good or doesn't work.
Monday, Sep 2
Those sections of my personal website which have been recently undated and made available for visiting once again now include
The Gospel Singing Baxter Family
Johnie E. Baxter Memorial
Along with my stand alone website
Story Time Tales
Plus there is one of my earliest websites (which is now owned by another company that has added their own advertising to some of the pages)
The Kidney Stone Website
Other not yet completely updated web pages can be accessed by means of the Site Directory links on the far left of this page.
Monday, Sep 2
After several years of having my websites offline due to some technical problems which I did not take the time to correct because of other responsibilities including moving from Winston Salem to Bolivia, North Carolina. Now I have begun the process of updating their coding to meet current web security standards and thus reviving these thousands of web pages which makes this very much a construction site. So please forgive me as you navigate through my websites whenever you run across some awkward looking pages. I am working on it a bit at a time as other obligations permit the time to do so.
Wednesday, Mar 9
Just in the last few days I have learned that at least some, if not most, comments visitors to my websites have been posting online to me did not actually reach me.
I am sorry for not responding to the many kind and generous comments and inquiries that I now know were posted over the past several months (and only showed up in error logs which I seldom review). While spam-type and other malicious comments were supposed to be trapped and deleted by the system (which it did and on which I get regular monthly reports), these other friendly comments were supposed to be forwarded to me via email, but were not.
This problem was caused by a slight change in basic server functions by the company which provides this service for my websites. Last fall I noticed some irregularities in how certain other functions behaved and was able to fix them, but was not aware of this other problem until now. I will work to get this problem fixed soon.
I apologize to all those affected by this and will try to get in touch with those who may have been expecting a reply over the next few weeks.